Some retail spaces in Cyprus lay closed for many years. Dirty windows, locked doors, old and yellow signs on the windows are not an appealing target for any business looking to rent or sell a shop. Just sitting and waiting for the right person to pass by your shop and be interested to open his new business there is not any longer the best solution, having in mind the many opportunities and offers on the market. Things have to change and owners should take the advantage of new ways of advertising, to be open to new opportunities. Here are the top ideas about how to find your clients faster and easier!
- Keep your shop clean and appealing! A commercial space that looks like it was not rented for a long time, will not raise interest to anybody. Fresh clean windows and clean painted white interior will prove that the owner is interested and anytime there, happy to help any interested client.
- A visible and large sign for RENT or SELL, that does not look old it is very important! This matter has to be taken very serious in consideration especially in Cyprus where the sun makes the sign’ letters to disappear just in a few months. Check your sign all the time and be sure that it contains the right information! Just a phone no maybe it is not enough anymore! Have in mind to add on the sign, besides the phone number an e-mail address, the size of your shop and even the price especially if you believe that you have a good offer.
- Do not wait for the client, to find you! Go search for him! Advertise your commercial space through the right real estate’s agency or just do it by yourself for free on internet. www.comspacesincyprus.com offer you the opportunity to sign in with your Facebook account, add the information of your property and pictures and even movies for free. Wait no more and advertise your retail space for free on internet. If you do not know how to do this contact us and we come to you to help you! You never know who will find your offer appealing!
- Be creative! Advertise smartly! Let people know the advantages of your space. What kind of business is it good for? What other business that are close by that will make shop customers stop there? Maybe you are close to a bakery! Is it an easy-to-stop location? Are bus stops close by? Or an ATM machine that will make people get down from their car anyway! How many people could pass by walking, on a daily basis? This are information that helps business to decide which shop to rent or buy! Add these information on your advert!
- Wait no more! You still did not made your deal? Be open to new ideas! Maybe you could try to use your space for new types of business that could be interested. Ask the business next by if they are not interested to rent your space for storage.
- Renting your shop for seasonal business (carnival offers, summer swimming suits, and Christmas offers) are the best opportunities have your shop occupied for two months.
- Are lots of cars passing buy your shop? Rent your shop windows to companies interested to advertise on them!
- A music school, karate school, a lawyer office, a dentist cabinet, kindergarten or tutors space can be new type of business interested to rent your vacant shop! Expand your offers to these types of business!
- Rent your shop to art exhibitions. Schools or individual artists can be interested to rent your shop for a shorter period. Be sure that they can find out about your offer!
- Offer your shop for one-time events organizers companies or Event Planners which are already using derelict warehouses, factories and unoccupied government buildings for art exhibitions, fashion shows and festival venues.
Re-Imagining | Re-ignite | Re-cycle | Re-purpose!
Making use of derelict and vacant property requires some out-of-the-box thinking, resourcefulness and a guerrilla marketers’ eyes. It also means working locally with the authorities, agencies or landlords that can help you tap into them. Whether you own the property or require a space, these ideas should help you to re-envisage creative marketing ideas that make use of the space around you, save you some cash and hopefully provide your local community with a more vibrant cityscape.
By Commercial Spaces in Cyprus
Kim keates
on said
As a person who is looking for a shop here in Cyprus, I cannot agree with you more. The landlords here are lazy and greedy. We have looked at several places now, they have ALL been filthy, stinking of drains, the floors covered in dead cockroaches, no electric on so we couldn’t even see what we were looking at, and some were full of the last tenants rubbish. Then the landlord wants to charge to an extortionate rent, which is totally unrealistic for the present financial climate here in Cyprus. When will these people wake up, or are they happy to just leave them empty, dragging down the look of the neighborhood, and just depressing the few tourists we do have.
Evi Marcos
on said
Hi Kim, Unfortunately I can not agree more! Let’s hope that slowly slowly things will change ! We wish you lots of luck in finding a good deal on our website! Waiting for you again here!
on said
Hi. I am owner of a shop in lakatamia situated to 196 makarios avenue. Opposite of kkolias supermarket. The whole spase is approximate 54sq mrr and there is extra mezzanie.
Evi Marcos
on said
Hi Mary,
Please list you shop on our website. Register or Login here with your Facebook account and add the property. Add some Photographs as well as they will attract more visitors. Don’t forget to complete your profile with your contact number if you wish.
We reserve the comments area for comments on the subject of the articles or properties.
Thanks a lot,